A Hills View from Africa
Greetings to you from
Please Pardon Me
I must address this issue before going further. I will surely offend many, but my vision from so far away impels me. Please lend me what attention you may afford and I will try and be brief and direct.
Evolution + Creation = God
To digress just a bit, the Rift Valley if a long line of fertile land stretching a great length along the fertile river valleys and lakes along
Some Evolutionists believe that man developed from this region and extended its reach from that original point.
Some Creationists believe the literal, day by day creation story as relayed by God through the Old Testament prophets of the Bible. So, Man was created on Saturday, and on Sunday God saw that it was all good and took a rest. Much deserved, in my mind.
Many others find a niche somewhere in between these two concepts, while others come up with their own “truths” outside of both views. These are too many to recount and an amusement well beyond my subject.
There have been very many resources dedicated to this debate; many brilliant minds dedicated to the work, much paper consumed in the publishing of their treatises, and hours and energy expended beyond my meager ability to measure. There have also been lives lost and blood spilt over this divisive study. We will come back to this word later: divisive.
Flash News: this whole field is a big waste of time. It is not important whether you come from 6,000 year old dust from Central Iraq, or if you are a descendent of a monkey, or even an alien being born of a pod left by alien visitors. The “how” of our creation is completely irrelevant.
Do you remember the “5 W’s” of journalism? Who-what-where when-why; only at the end comes the “how”. How is at the end for a good reason.
“How” comes from man’s natural curiosity; his incessant nature to seek out knowledge. The story was related well in the Book of Genesis. Man ate from the Tree of Knowledge and has thirsted for it ever since. We want to know. That is our human nature.
From this point of seeking knowledge, our “sin nature” (translated many different ways in different belief systems – use your own filter on this term) leads us to focus on ourselves: our own desires and our own understanding.
It is these/this nature that calls us to historically struggle with our “How”, to the ignorance of the “Why”. Why are we here? “What” are we to do? (knowledge being one of them).
The “Where” & “When” of creation are equally useless questions; both regressive and wasteful. I believe the answer to “Who” is painfully obvious to each of us, although the label we place on that which we can never fully understand may vary. It is painful only in that it is so often ignored during the course of life.
It is only the “Why” that leads us forward. It is only the “Why” that gives us direction.
Perhaps I too am contributing to this wasteful thinking by spending my few column-inches on the subject. But I will say that, while I sit here, eight time zones away on another hemisphere, I have also invested in another human being. She is labeled here as a “servant”, and came to clean up the mess I have made in my room. We have shared each others language (and she is much more fluent in mine than I am in hers), and I have shown her the similarities and differences between a “caribou”, a “karibao” and “karibu”, the last being their word for “welcome”. I now believe she is much smarter than many of you in this one field.
She understands me a little better now, and she knows that I have respect for her – that she has value beyond that which her label offers. I have shown her “love”.
This is my “Why”.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30-31
What is your “Why”? Can you put your “Why” before your “How”, and “When” and “Where”? Can it even come before your “Who”?
I am beyond my word-count, and my time is running short. The end of the rainy season in
“Nenda kwa amani o Mungo akubariki” – Go with God’s blessing.
Reach Paul and Julie Hill at hillsview@sbcglobal.net or at
Hey Paul, I am glad to finally see a post from you. I am staying in a place near the border with Honduras. No hot water, many types of different scary looking bugs and geckos, and lots of loud noise all night long. I realized yesterday how much I will appreciate my bed when I get home though! And, because I am here alone, I have had lots of quiet time for reflection and prayer! Hope to hear more from you soon.
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