NOTE: due to last week’s thunderstorms my internet was down when I e-mailed this column, missing my deadline. I didn’t know that it was still sitting in my computer’s Outbox until Monday! Lo, the misfortunes of multiple computers… Still a good article though! pjh
Earth Day 2007
I realize that by the time you read this, Earth Day 2007 will be past, and most folks will have forgotten to take the steps needed to defend our planet. As I sit here, my power meter is spinning as my T.V., lights, computer(s) are all running, even at this late hour… and Earth Day begins in just over an hour! By midnight I will shut this computer off a) to conserve energy and b) because if I haven’t finished by midnight I will have missed another deadline.
Do not fret, my friends and avid readers, I will not leave my corner of the Beebe News blank for two weeks in a row. I have more than enough to say, and just enough room to say it! Ha!
Back To Our Planet
As you know, there is little I love to criticize more than the wealth of wasted air time on network T.V., but tonight I saw a show that, although soft on real science and full of frivolity (turning off the lights at the NBC building to symbolize their commitment to healing a wounded planet… during a broadcast? Please!), there was a wealth of good suggestions that everyday folks like you and me can do to really make an impact. I’m gonna list a few of my favorites right here, just in case you missed the crushing media coverage this year.
Brown Bag It
No, I’m not talking about bringing a sack lunch to your work or school (although that has several advantages for your health and your wallet), I’m referring to your next trip to the grocery store. By using a simple tote bag, you can save the planet from one of our biggest pollutants – the plastic grocery bag!
Now, I do like those little bag, and I have REUSED them for years (which is a good first step), and would often recycle them at Wal-Mart – until they quit offering that service. But better still is to B.Y.O.B. – Bring Your Own Bag!
Most trips to the grocery store could be handled by a cloth bag which could easily fit under the seat of your car or in the trunk, and the amount of landfill you are creating could be substantially reduced.
Hey, maybe you could stick your pet in there and stroll around like Paris Hilton while you shop! I don’t know if the Wal-Mall would like it, but Mr. Knight might not mind! Maybe you’d better ask first…
Did You Know?
A recent report stated that up to 75% of our home electric consumption comes from equipment which is “idling” while not in use over night. That light on your VCR? That computer standing ready for an occasional late night surf-session? Your PDA, MP3, VCR, coffee pot timer and many other gadgets s..l..o..w..l..y.. drain away at our fuel supply and your wallet.
Now, don’;t go crazy and unplug your freezer or alarm system. A little common sense is needed on this one, but it is certainly something to consider.
See The Light!
Finally (as my clock winds down), change out some of those power-sucking light bulbs in your house for some of those crazy, corkscrew-looking ones that save so much of the “Big E”. I don’t know if Knights has them, but I bet they would if you called and asked!
Next Week: 30 Years Too Late!
Reach Paul and Julie Hill at hillsview@sbcglobal.net or at PO Box 599, Beebe, AR 72012
Resisting the urge to make a comment about "as old as the Hills View.." wait, whoops, too late :) Just a quick message from Kosovo, hope that you're doing well!
have a good time in tanzania paul, i miss your reassurance.
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